About the Clay County Republicans
As a branch of the Minnesota Republican Party, the Clay County Republicans serve as a way for conservatives within Clay County to gather with like-minded individuals, and help promote the spread of American ideals within the county. We invite people of all ages and political experience to join with us in working for positive change through our grassroots efforts.
Monthly Meetings
The Clay County Republicans hold meetings once a month, typically the third Tuesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Our meetings run about two hours long and cover a wide range of topics such as upcoming events, hot-button political topics, planning for upcoming elections, etc. We also have an educational topic each month at 5:45pm. Click on the GET INVOLVED button and connect with us for the location, date, and time of our next event.
Chair: Rod Johnson
Deputy Chair: Marilyn Proulx
Treasurer: Ed Dorsett
Secretary: Laurie Christianson
Social Media Committee: Katie Koppelman, Rod Johnson, and Lisa Burth
Directors: Janine Hanson, Katie Koppelman, Lisa Burth, Lynn Halmrast, and Carol Schoff