2023 Clay County Republicans Convention

February 11, 2023 Glyndon Community Center

Registration 9AM    Gavel in 10AM

Convention Documents


Clay County Republicans annual meeting February 11, 2023
1. Call to order by BPOU Chair
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Singing of The National Anthem
5. Reading of the call by BPOU Secretary
6. Election of Temporary Chair of Convention
7. Election of Temporary Secretary of Convention
8. Motion Authorizing Temporary Chair to Appoint a Parliamentarian, Sergeants-At-Arms, tellers, etc.
9. Motion Authorizing the Temporary Chair to Appoint the Following Committees: Credentials, Rules/Constitution, Nominations
10. Committee Meetings, if needed
11. Preliminary credentials Report: To Establish Quorum
12. Motion to Make the Temporary Organization Permanent
13. Adoption of the Rules, Items 2, 4, 5
14. Caucus to Fill Delegations
15. Adoption of Rules
16. Final Credentials Report
17. BPOU Treasurer’s Report/BPOU Chair Report
18. Constitution Committee Report
19. Election of BPOU Officers
20. Election of Two State Central Delegates and Six Alternates
21. Election of 22 CD7/State Convention Delegates and 22 Alternates
22. Other Business
23. Adjournment


Proposed Rules (11 Feb. 2023) 2023 Clay County BPOU Convention
1. “Robert’s Rules of Order , Newly Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority on all points not covered by the Constitution of the Republican Party of Minnesota, the official Call of this Convention, or the rules adopted by the Convention.
2. The permanent roll of the Convention shall be constituted as follows:
     a. The duly elected Delegates to this Convention from each precinct in Clay County, as elected at the
         2022 caucus and still residing in that precinct.
     b. If the duly elected Delegate is absent, then a duly elected Alternate shall be seated in that Delegate’s
         stead. Alternates shall be seated by a caucus of the Delegates present from each individual precinct.
3. The order of business for this Convention shall be the Agenda as presented by the BPOU Chair Rodney Johnson.
4. After the preliminary Credentials report, quorum (10% of elected delegates) shall be determined, and 50 % and 67% of     seated delegates shall be determined. The chair may call for a new credentials report at any time.
5. Only persons whose names are entitled to be entered upon the permanent roll of the Convention shall be
permitted to vote.
6. Debate on any motion or subject shall be limited to one (1) minute by each speaker. No person shall be allowed to speak more than twice upon the same subject. No person shall be allowed to speak a second time until all those desiring to speak have had a first opportunity to do so. Debate on any one motion or subject is limited to four (4) pro and four (4) con speakers, except by request of the majority of the convention.
7. A delegate, or seated alternate, wishing to speak from the floor shall rise, address the Chair, and state his/her name and precinct, and the purpose for which he/she rises. This speaker has no more than one (1) minute to make a motion and may not debate their motion prior to a second.
8. The vote on all questions shall be by acclamation, subject to the following restrictions:
     a. A rising vote shall be taken if requested by more than 10 delegates or at the discretion of the Chair.
     b. Nominations shall be called for three (3) times before being closed.
     c. Nominees for any position may address the Conven on for the purpose of sta ng their qualifica ons and/or stands on  issues or candidates for a period not to exceed two (2) minutes.
     d. Voting for Delegates and Alternates shall be by secret ballot for all the contested elections.
     e. Any ballot with more votes than the number of open positions will be disqualified.
9. No delegate shall be required to vote on any question under unit rule.
10. Twenty-two Delegates for the 7th Congressional District Conventions shall be voted upon in a single ballot by selecting the nominees who received the most votes on the ballot. In instances of a tie for the last position(s) a second ballot will be cast just between the tied candidates. Twenty-two Alternates will then be elected on a separate ballot and be assigned a numerical ranking by number of votes received. In the case of a slate being elected by voice vote, the Executive Committee will assign a numerical order.
11. Two Delegates for State Central Convention shall be elected on a single ballot. Six alternates for the State Central Convention shall be elected on a separate ballot and ranked by number of votes received.
1 2 . All resolutions brought up for a vote at the Convention must have passed through the Resolutions Committee.
1 3 . The Chair may interrupt the order of business to recognize speakers, declare a break, and rearrange the order of business as the Chair sees fit. Visiting speakers not on the official Agenda of the Convention shall be allowed to speak at the discretion of the Convention Chair, as long as they are Republicans, seeking partisan office as a Republican, or represent an organization that shares our Republican values and beliefs.
1 4 . Any Delegate, Alternate, guest, candidate, or attendee who becomes disruptive may be removed at the discretion of the Chair. Any materials without a disclaimer showing a name, address, and phone number will be removed.
1 5 . Those Permitted to Occupy the Floor of the Convention. “The floor” is defined as the seating area where duly elected delegates are gathered when casting votes.  Only delegates, seated alternates, and those participating in the voting process may be on the floor during voting. All others must leave the floor. Each campaign may have up to 2 total workers (other than seated delegates and alternates) identified as associated with the campaign, on the floor during non-voting time. Everyone on the floor must wear an identity badge stating their name and organization they are associated with. Guests are not allowed on the floor except for distinguished guests for purposes of addressing the convention and greeting delegates as they enter or exit the stage.
1 6 . These rules may not be amended or suspended once passed, except for a two-thirds vote of the Convention.
1 7 . Matters not addressed: Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority on all points not covered by the Constitution of the Republican Party of Minnesota, the Statutes of the State of Minnesota, the Official Convention Call of the Convention, or the Rules adopted by this Convention.
18 . Decisions of the rules are at the sole discretion of the Parliamentarian and the rules committee. A decision of the Parliamentarian and the rules committee may not be overruled.

Proposed Revised Constitution

as amended by Republicans of Clay County Convention, 2 February 2019 11 February 2023

The Republicans of Clay County welcome the participation of all Minnesotans residents of Clay County Minnesota who are concerned with the implementation of honest, efficient, responsive government. The Republican Party (Party) believes in the equality of all, as stated in the Declaration of Independence. It, therefore is Therefore the Party is committed to equal representation and opportunity for all and the preservation of the rights and liberties of each individual. It is the purpose of this Constitution to ensure that the Party provides for full participation with and equal opportunity for all residents of Clay County Minnesota.
The name of this Basic Political Organizational Unit (BPOU) shall be the “Republicans of Clay County. County of Minnesota”.
Membership shall be composed of all persons Republicans residing in Clay County who desire to support the objectives of the Republican Party. Minnesota who declare their support of the Republican Party Of Minnesota.
The purpose of this organization shall be the maintenance and advancement of the principles and objectives of the Republicans Republican Party. The objectives of the organization shall be to secure the election of Republican officials, remembering always that in order to govern, Republican candidates must win elections. provide the residents of Clay
County Minnesota with Republican leadership in all elected offices.
To fulfill this purpose the Clay County Republicans shall facilitate the Endorsements of Republican candidates for elected offices, and support the campaigns of endorsed
Republicans for Nomination in the primary election, and support the campaigns of the Republican Nominees in the general election.

     Section 1. Precinct Caucus: The regular biennial caucus of the members of this organization residing in each precinct shall be called by the Chairperson Chair of this organization in each even-numbered year as prescribed by the Minnesota Statutes. This Caucus shall include election of a precinct Chairperson Chair and Deputy Chairperson Chair of each precinct. Additional unofficial precinct meetings may be called by the precinct Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson to discuss issues, candidates and other matters of interest. called on an individual precinct basis by the precinct Chair or Deputy Chair of individual precincts.
     Section 2. Precinct Delegates: The biennial caucus shall elect delegates to the BPOU County Convention as well as to the Endorsement conventions for State Senator and State Representatives.
     Section 2.a. Delegate Apportionment: The Clay County Executive Committee shall determine the apportionment of delegates based upon the vote cast in each precinct for in the race for Republican candidate for Governor or President in the last preceding statewide general election. Guidance of the Republican Party of Minnesota will assist the Clay County Executive Committee. Each precinct shall be entitled to a minimum of two (2) delegates one (1) delegate. The Precinct Chairperson Chair and Deputy Chairperson Chair shall be the first nominees for election as delegates. Officers of the current Executive Committee and elected Republican state representatives Republican State Legislators are delegates to the BPOU convention regardless of the caucus process. Their inclusion will not affect the caucus allocation for the precincts involved.
     Section 3. Precinct Alternates: Such biennial Biennial caucuses may also elect a number of alternates to the BPOU Convention equal in number to the delegates elected from that precinct when possible.
     Section 4. Precinct Committee: The Precinct Chairperson Chair and Deputy Chairperson Chair along with the elected delegates shall comprise the Precinct Committee of the precinct. each Precinct.
     Section 1. Conventions: The BPOU Convention shall be held each year during the period set by the State Executive Committee, and the Republican Party of Minnesota State Executive Committee. The Clay County Republicans Executive Committee shall determine the time and place of the convention. Special Clay County Conventions may be held at any time deemed necessary by a two thirds majority of the members of the Clay County Executive Committee.
     Section 2. Composition: The BPOU Conventions shall be composed of all delegates or their and the seated alternates duly elected at the precinct caucuses. Should any precinct lack the full allowance of delegates then unfilled seats shall
remain unfilled.

     Section 3. Election of Officers an Executive Committee: Those annual Conventions held in odd-numbered years shall elect from the membership of The Republicans of Clay County a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 elected directors.
     Section 3.a Executive Committee Eligibility: Any person nominated for any position on the Executive Committee must be a resident of Clay County Minnesota and may not be banned from Republican Party events nor formally removed from the party. Any individual who has been removed from an elected position in the republican party of Minnesota shall be ineligible for nomination for a period of 5 years unless reinstated by a 2/3 vote of the executive committee.
     Section 3.b Officer Elections: The nominees for these officer positions shall be voted upon separately and shall serve until the next odd-numbered year BPOU Convention. Nominees will be nominated either before the convention after the
convention call has been sent, or during the convention during the nominations item on the agenda for the office the
nominee is seeking. All nominations from the floor must have a Nominator, and second. All Nominations before the convention shall be submitted in writing to both the Chair and the Nominating Committee, pre-convention nominations must contain the name of the nominee, the office sought, a nominator, and a second from a delegate. All candidates for all offices shall be vetted by the nominating committee and shall receive a recommendation from the nominating committee. The order of elections shall go Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Director. The nominating period for each office during the convention may not open until the previous office election has been completed and a winner declared.
     Section 3.c Director Elections:The delegates at the convention shall also elect directors to sit on the Executive Board of the Clay County Republicans. The number of elected directors shall be 3. If all 3 spots cannot be filled then only 1 director shall be elected. The vote for the number of directors may happen after the director nominations. The director candidates shall be nominated by the delegates of the Clay County Republicans, nominations require a second. Directors shall be voted upon in a single ballot by selecting the nominees who received the most votes on the ballot. In instances of a tie for the last position(s) a second ballot will be cast just between the tied candidates.
     Section 4. State and District Convention Delegates and Alternates: BPOU Conventions in even-numbered years shall elect from the membership of The Republicans of Clay County Delegates, First Alternates and Second Alternates to the District and State Republican Conventions. The current BPOU Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson shall serve as Delegates to the State and District Conventions. First and second Membership of the Clay County Republicans Delegates and Alternates to the District and State Republican Conventions. Delegates and Alternates shall be voted upon in two
separate consecutive ballots by selecting the nominees who received the most votes on the ballot. In instances of a tie for
the last position(s) a second ballot will be cast just between the tied candidates. Delegates and alternates will be assigned a numerical ranking by number of votes received. In the case of a slate being elected by voice vote, the Executive Committee will randomly will assign a numerical order.
     Section 5. Election of State Central Committee Delegates and Alternates: The current BPOU Chairperson shall automatically be seated as a Delegate to the State Central Committee of the State Republican Party representing Clay County. If more than one delegate to the State Central Committee is allocated by the 7th CD an election will be held to fill that position(s). BPOU Conventions in odd-numbered years shall elect from the membership of the Republicans of Clay County: State Central Committee Delegates (if needed), First Alternates, Second Alternates and Third Alternates. BPOU Conventions in odd-numbered years shall elect from the membership of the Republicans of Clay County: State Central
Committee Delegates, and three alternates per delegate. Alternates shall be ranked by number of votes received.
Nominations require a nomination and a second.
     Section 5a. State Central Delegate and Alternate Eligibility: Any person nominated for State Central Delegate or Alternate must be a resident of Clay County Minnesota and may not be banned from Republican Party events nor formally removed from the party. Any individual who has been previously removed from an elected position in the republican party of Minnesota shall be ineligible for nomination.                                                                                                                                                                                          Section 6. Quorum: Ten Fifty percent (10 50%) of the membership seated delegates of the Convention shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Convention.
     Section 7. Committees: Prior to the convening of any Clay County Republican Convention, the Clay County Chairperson Chair and Deputy Chairperson Chair shall appoint as needed the following pre-convention committees from the duly elected delegates and/or alternates to the Convention.
          a. Credentials Committee
          b. Rules Committee
          c. Resolutions Committee
          d. Nominating Committee
          e. Standing Constitution Committee
          f. Such other Committees as circumstances dictate
     Section 7.a Responsibilities of Committees
          a. Credentials Committee: Shall confirm all delegates are eligible, and provide the convention chair and tellers with
voting thresholds of 33%, 50%, 60%, and 67% of seated delegates.

          b. Rules Committee: Shall propose a set of rules for conventions and shall advise the parliamentarian upon request.
          c. Resolutions Committee: Shall review and consolidate resolutions presented for the conventions.
          d. Nominating Committee: Shall interview and provide findings for the following offices: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, State Central Committee delegate, and any Candidate seeking endorsement for public office at the convention. Findings shall be as follows; Qualified, Qualified with Reservations, or Unqualified.
          e. Standing Constitution Committee: Shall review constitution before each convention and is responsible for recommendations to the constitution. The constitution committee shall advise the parliamentarian on issues of the constitution.
          f. Such other Committees as circumstances dictate
     Section 8. Endorsing Conventions: At any endorsing convention that may be held, delegates seated at the convention may endorse candidates for public office by a vote of 60% of the delegates and seated alternates, based on the most recent credentials report, provided, however, that such endorsement shall be advisory only and that delegates to the District and State Conventions shall not be bound by such endorsement.
     Section 1. Establishment: There shall be an Executive Committee responsible for providing leadership to the organization and for the management of its affairs.
     Section 2. Composition: The Executive Committee shall consist of elected members of The Republicans of Clay County as follows:
          a. Chairperson Chair. The Chairperson Chair shall be the chief executive presiding officer of the BPOU having and
shall have
responsibility for providing leadership and executive guidance.
          b. Deputy Chairperson Chair. The Deputy Chairperson shall Chair shall work with the Chairperson Chair in providing leadership and executive guidance, and shall perform the duties assigned by the Executive Committee, and shall hold the duties of the chair when the chair is unavailable.
          c. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all of the BPOU Executive Committee meetings and shall send out all notices, regular meetings, and shall manage the public communications of the meetings organization.
          d. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive, keep, and be responsible for all funds of the BPOU and shall complete accurate records and accounts of the receipts and disbursements of such funds.
          e. Finance Chairperson and Deputy Finance Chairperson as defined in Article VII, Section 1.
          f. Directors. Directors shall be responsible for providing leadership for the organization in particular areas of party function. The Directors shall function. Up to two Directors may be appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee.
          g. One designated representative from each unit of an auxiliary or affiliate organization of The Republicans of Minnesota located in Clay County.
          h. Ex-Officio (Non-voting): Elected State or National public officials Three Directors shall be elected by vote of the delegates at the odd year conventions. All directors may serve until the following odd year convention.
          f. Ex-Officio (Non-voting): Ex-Officio (Non-voting): Elected State or National public officials, present officers of the Congressional District, State and National organizations of the Republicans who reside in Clay County, and the immediate
past Chairperson and past Deputy Chairperson of the organization shall serve as ex-officio members
Republican Members of The US House of Representatives, US Senate, Minnesota State Senate, Minnesota State House of Representatives, Minnesota Constitutional Officers, present officers of the Congressional District, State, or National organizations of the Republicans, and the most recent past Chair of the Organization in good standing shall serve as ex-officio members.
         g. One designated representative from each unit of an auxiliary or affiliate organization of The Republicans of Minnesota living in Clay County as listed in the MNGOP bylaws. Affiliate may be accepted upon a two thirds majority of the
executive committee, Affiliate members are ex-officio and may not participate in closed sessions.

     Section 3. Meetings: The Executive Committee shall hold regular monthly meetings unless determined by a 2/3 majority that a meeting is not needed that month. In the absence of the Chairperson Chair, the Deputy Chairperson Chair shall be
the presiding officer. In the absence of both the Chairperson Chair and the Deputy Chairperson Chair, a presiding officer shall be elected by those voting members present. Fifty One more than fifty percent (50%+1) of the voting members of the
Committee shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of its business.
     Section 4. Executive Committee Voting: Members of the committee may vote on all matters. Voting may be conducted in person, over the phone, by video, or by a signed proxy voting sheet. Proxy voting sheets must be signed by the executive
committee members issuing the proxy, the executive committee member acting as the proxy, and by a third member of the
Executive committee. The proxy voting form shall describe the vote(s) that are to be made, or the matter(s) on which the
proxy voter may vote on the members behalf.

     Section 5. Pre-endorsement Activity: If there is a contest for any endorsement, all declared candidates seeking that endorsement shall be allowed equal access to all information, Clay County events, and resources allowed for candidates prior to endorsement.
     Section 6. Executive Committee Members Seeking Endorsement for Public Office: Any member of the Executive Committee seeking the endorsement of any delegates from the Republicans of Clay County shall automatically resign their
positions effective
upon announcement of candidacy. 
                                                                                                          ARTICLE VII BPOU FINANCE COMMITTEE
     Section 1. Composition: The Finance Committee shall consist of the Finance Chairperson and Deputy Finance Chairperson appointed by the Executive Committee and such additional members as the Finance Chairperson deems necessary.
     Section 2. Function: The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the organization and administration of the fundraising for the BPOU, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. 
                                                    ARTICLE VII: VACANCIES
     Section 1. Vacancy in the Executive Committee: Vacancies among officers and directors shall be filled by the Executive Committee and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee.
     Section 2. Vacancy in Precinct Delegation: A vacancy shall occur in a delegate or alternate position upon death, resignation or change in residence to outside of the precinct from which the delegate or alternate was elected. Special caucuses for one or more precincts may be called by the Executive Committee in a manner prescribed by statute of biennial precinct caucuses for the sole purpose of filling vacancies in precincts which exist at the time of notice.
     Section 3. Vacancy in District or State Delegation: A vacancy shall occur in a delegate or alternate position upon death, resignation, or change in residence to outside of the BPOU. These Clay County. These vacancies may be filled by the
BPOU Convention in odd-numbered years.
     Section 1. BPOU Conventions: Should any elected precinct delegate to the BPOU Convention fail to attend such Convention, said seat shall be filled from the qualified available alternates only that precinct by caucus action of the assembled delegates from that precinct.
     Section 2. District or State Conventions: If a delegate is unable to attend a District or State Convention, or a portion thereof, said Delegate may designate a First Alternate to fill the vacancy by notifying the BPOU Chairperson Chair or Deputy Chairperson Chair of such designation in writing by written documentation not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the Convention. The Delegate may designate a Second Alternate in the same manner but only if, after inquiry, no First Alternate is available to fill the vacancy. If a Delegate fails to attend a District or State Convention, or a portion thereof, and fails to designate an Alternate replacement, Alternates will be seated in the numerical order that they were elected. The
Delegate’s seat shall be filled from among the qualified available Alternates, by caucus action of the assembled BPOU Delegates to the Convention. No Second Alternate may be seated at any District or State Convention until all First
Alternates attending such Convention from the BPOU shall be given an opportunity to be seated in an existing vacancy.
Members of the Executive Committee, Delegates and Alternates to Conventions may, except as otherwise prescribed by State Constitution, be removed only by a two-thirds vote of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee. Notice of any proposed removal and of the time and place at which such removal is to be voted upon shall be given to the all members of the Executive Committee and to the individual whose removal is to be voted upon. The individual whose removal is proposed and Executive Committee members shall be served with a statement of the specific grounds for the proposed removal at least ten (10) days before a vote is to be taken upon such a proposal. Meetings of removal are closed to all except the Executive Committee and said individual.
     Section 1. Amendments: This Constitution may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the members seated at a BPOU Convention. No proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Convention until after it has been considered by a Constitution Committee and reported out of said Committee by at least a minority report Committee Report signed by two such 50% of committee members. Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to the Constitution Committee in writing and at least forty-eight (48) hours seven days prior to any BPOU Convention at which that proposed amendment is to be considered.
     Section 2. Effective Date: Each amendment to this Constitution shall, unless otherwise prescribed by the amendment, become effective immediately upon its adoption.
The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern Republicans of the Clay County Republicans in all applicable cases in which they are not in conflict with this Constitution, the laws of the State
of Minnesota or the Constitution of the Republicans of Minnesota.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Constitution Committee Signatures
Rodney Johnson _____________________________
Amos Baer _________________________________
Terry Melby _______________________________
Calvin Benson ______________________________